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Contact Us
Piatt County Circuit Clerk
101 W Washington, Room 206
P.O. Box 288
Monticello, IL 61856
Ph (217) 762-4966
Fx (217) 762-5906
Mon-Fri 8:30AM-4:30PM
Email: CircuitClerk@piatt.gov - Meet the Circuit Clerk
Illinois Sixth Judicial Circuit

Welcome to the Piatt County Circuit Clerk’s Office.
The Office of the Circuit Clerk is a state constitutional officer elected by the citizens of Piatt County for a four-year term. It is a non-judicial office of the Judicial Branch of Illinois state government. The Circuit Clerk’s office is committed to serving the citizens of Piatt County and all participants in the judicial system in a timely, efficient, and competent manner.
The Circuit Clerk maintains records for the entire court system and is the official record keeper of all court related documents. The office serves as a source of data and information for various government agencies and the general public.
The Circuit Clerk collects all fines, fees, costs, and penalties assessed pursuant to state statutes and county board resolutions and distributes those monies on a monthly basis to the county, state, and municipalities. In addition to standard fines and fees, the statutes allow for collections of these funds through filing fees that are used to support specific functions of the office. These funds allow the clerk to maintain records more efficiently and economically through computerization without the expenditure of tax dollars.
In Piatt County, the Circuit Clerk is also the Court Disability Coordinator. For information on how to contact the Court Disability Coordinator, click here. Piatt CDC Contact. To access the Illinois Supreme Court’s Policy on Access for People with Disabilities or for forms related to the Policy on Access for People with Disabilities, click the following link. The Supreme Court of Illinois Policy on Access for People with Disabilities