- About
- Vital Records
- Recording
- Online Land Records
- Property Fraud Alert
- Elections
- Election Results
Contact Us
Piatt County Clerk & Recorder
101 W Washington, Room 110
P.O. Box 558
Monticello, IL 61856
Ph (217) 762-9487
Fx (217) 762-7563
Mon-Fri 8:30AM-4:30PM
Email: countyclerk@piatt.gov - Meet the Clerk

Welcome to the Piatt County Clerk & Recorder's Office.
Below, you will find information about several of the functions provided by our office. We are here to serve the citizens of Piatt County.
Protect your property from deed or mortgage fraud. "FREE" sign up. Visit our Property Fraud Alert page for more information.
We now offer 24/7 access to land records recorded in Piatt County. Visit our Online Land Records page.
Please be sure to review the Vital Records and Recording pages for instructions on how to obtain the various services that the Piatt County Clerk & Recorder's Office provides.
Functions of Our Office
- Clerk to the County Board - The County Clerk is the keeper of all county records. As Clerk to the County Board the County Clerk attends the monthly meetings of the Board and records the minutes. The records of actions of the County Board are kept in the County Clerk’s office. The County Clerk is the keeper of the official seal of the County of Piatt. This seal is used to certify certain records of the County Board and of the County Clerk’s office.
- Vital Records - Birth, Marriage, and Death records are kept in the County Clerk’s office. These records go back to 1916 when they were first required to be kept in the State of Illinois. Limited records are available as far back as 1861.
- Marriage/Civil Union Licenses
- Assumed Name CertificatesThe procedure for filing a certificate of Assumed Business Name is as follows:
- Obtain and file an Assumed Name Certificate of Intention from our office. You will receive a Publication Notice along with your Certificate of Intention
- The filing fee for this service is $25.00.
- The Publication Notice needs to be submitted to the local paper of record within fifteen days of filing the Certificate of Intention with the Piatt County Clerk. The publication fees with newspapers vary. The notice must be published once a week for three consecutive weeks. The Certificate of Intention will be void if publication requirements are not met
- After our office receives proof of publication from the newspaper, we will issue you a Certificate of Ownership of Business along with a copy of your publication notice.
- If you have a corporate, incorporated or limited business, you must file at the Office of the Secretary of State in Springfield, Illinois
- Notary Public CommissionsApplications for Notaries must be made through the Secretary of State.
Please visit the Illinois Secretary of State's Home Page for more information. - Elections - The County Clerk is also the Election Authority. The Election Authority oversees all Elections that occur within Piatt County. The integrity of Elections is protected by the Election Authority by following the guidelines as set forth in the Illinois State Statutes (10 ILCS 5).
- Recording - In Piatt County the County Clerk also serves as the Recorder of Deeds. The basic function of the Recorder’s Office is to file any transaction of property within the County.
- Tax Extension - The County Clerk is responsible for the extension of all property tax levies filed by taxing bodies in Piatt County. Tax levies are filed in our office and available for viewing.
- Delinquent Taxes - The County Clerk also collects delinquent tax payments. Delinquent taxes sold in Piatt County tax sales must be redeemed in the Office of the County Clerk. It is necessary to call our office to be assured of the exact amount of payment. Payment must be made in cash, certified check or money order.