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For downloadable court forms visit Illinois Courts at https://www.illinoiscourts.gov

The Illinois Supreme Court mandated the electronic filing (e-filing) of court documents for civil cases in all trial courts, effective January 1, 2018. Piatt County also allows for the subsequent electronic filing in CF (Felony), CM (Misdemeanor), DT (DUI), CC (Criminal Contempt), and JA/JD/JV (Juvenile) cases. Please visit https://efile.illinoiscourts.gov/ for e-file information and providers.


ILAO Logo The Piatt County Legal Self-Help Center. is a self-help site for those who can't afford an attorney or who wish to represent themselves. The website, http://piatt.illinoislegalaid.org includes information on some of the simpler civil legal problems such as foreclosures and divorce. It features articles, automated legal forms and videos designed to help the litigant navigate the court system.


Piatt County Circuit Clerk Fee Schedule