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Piatt County Circuit Clerk
101 W Washington, Room 206
P.O. Box 288
Monticello, IL 61856
Ph (217) 762-4966
Fx (217) 762-5906
Mon-Fri 8:30AM-4:30PM
Email: CircuitClerk@piatt.gov - Meet the Circuit Clerk

Piatt County Circuit Clerk, Seth E. Floyd
Seth E. Floyd of Monticello has served as the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Piatt County, Illinois since December 1, 2018. Previously, he served in the United States Army/Illinois Army National Guard from 2006-2017 and the Piatt County Sheriff’s Office from 2012-2018. In addition to his responsibilities in Piatt County, Seth is currently the President-Elect of the Illinois Association of Court Clerks (IACC), which represents the Circuit Clerks in all 102 Illinois counties.
Seth moved to Monticello in 2011 and has been extremely active in the area during that time. Currently he is the Commander of Piatt County Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5346, President of both the Piatt County Veterans Assistance Commission and City of Monticello Police and Fire Commission, a member of Hamm-Burke American Legion Post 101, and a Past-President of the Monticello Rotary Club
He has received many honors in that work including being named a member of the 2021 Central Illinois Business Magazine/Champaign News-Gazette “Forty Under 40” class. Additionally, he has received multiple distinguished service awards from the Commander in Chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He has been recognized as an “All-American Post Commander” in four consecutive years, which is awarded to the top VFW Commanders in the country, a feat that has only been achieved two other times in the over one-hundred-year history of the Illinois Veterans of Foreign Wars.
He is a graduate of Parkland College and holds certifications from Lincoln Land Community College and the University of Illinois. His military training was centered in the logistical and combat engineering fields and included assignments at Coleman Barracks, Germany; Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo; and Hawthorne Ammunition Depot, Nevada.
Seth and his wife, Meaghann (née Reeves), are the proud parents of three daughters.