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Contact Us
Piatt County Clerk & Recorder
101 W Washington, Room 110
P.O. Box 558
Monticello, IL 61856
Ph (217) 762-9487
Fx (217) 762-7563
Mon-Fri 8:30AM-4:30PM
Email: countyclerk@piatt.gov - Meet the Clerk

Documentation Notification Program
Preventing mortgage fraud and identity theft is a top priority of your Piatt County Clerk & Recorder's office. Our office has made a conscious effort to be on the lookout for documents that may involve deed or mortgage fraud. For your protection, consider subscribing to our"FREE" Property Fraud Alert program for real-time monitoring and notification of any potentially fraudulent activity. Your security does matter!
Unfortunately, it's all too easy for a criminal to record a fraudulent deed making it appear as if they now own your home.
Once they've done this, they can use your name as collateral on a mortgage or even attempt to sell your home to an unsuspecting buyer.
Don't let this happen to you!
Sign Up
To sign up for this free service, go to https://www.propertyfraudalert.com/ILPiatt. Complete the registration form and submit.
The service will notify you if a document is recorded with your name. You will be given the option to be notified by either “Email” or by “Phone”.
If you have any questions regarding this or having trouble signing up, please call 217-762-9487 for assistance.