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Contact Us
Piatt County Clerk & Recorder
101 W Washington, Room 110
P.O. Box 558
Monticello, IL 61856
Ph (217) 762-9487
Fx (217) 762-7563
Mon-Fri 8:30AM-4:30PM
Email: countyclerk@piatt.gov - Meet the Clerk
Fees paid to the Piatt County Clerk and Recorders Office must be in the form of cash, check or money order. The office is unable to accept payment by credit card.
Please download, fill out and submit one of the following forms with your request for records.
Request Form for Vital Records - Certified
Request Form for Vital Records - Genealogical
BIRTHS: Certified - $16.00 for first, $12.00 for each additional of same record
BIRTHS: Genealogical - $5.00 each (must be on file a minimum of 75 years).
Birth records are on file from 1916 to present; limited records are available from 1861. A person must be at least 18 years of age to request a copy of his own record. Parents or legal guardians may request certificates for their children. In addition to the applicable fee, mail-in requests must include full name on birth record, date of birth, parents' full names (including mother's maiden name), a signature, return address, and Photo ID.
MARRIAGES: Certified - $16.00 for first, $12.00 for each additional of same record
MARRIAGES: Genealogical - $5.00 each (must be on file a minimum of 50 years).
Marriage records are on file from 1841 to present. In addition to the applicable fee, mail-in requests must include the bride and groom's full names (bride's maiden name), date of marriage, return address, and photo ID.
DEATHS: Certified - $23.00 for first, $16.00 for each additional of same record
DEATHS: Genealogical - $5.00 each (must be on file a minimum of 20 years).
Death records are on file from 1916 to present; limited records are available from 1877. In addition to the applicable fee, mail-in requests must include full name of deceased, date of death, return address, and photo ID.
SEARCH FEE: $5.00.
Any unincorporated business operation must register with the County Clerk, in addition, to any other counties that services will be provided. The fee for changes (address, withdrawal of name, etc.) is $5.00.
Both parties must appear no later than 4 p.m. in the County Clerk’s office at least one day prior to the date of marriage, and the license remains effective for 60 days. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and provide proof of such to marry without parental consent. If either applicant is under 18 years of age, both parents or guardians of the applicant must sign a parental consent form in person.>
Office of Jennifer Harper, Piatt County Clerk
Courthouse, Room 110
101 W. Washington
Monticello, IL 61856
Hours: 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
Telephone: 217-762-9487
Both parties must appear at the County Clerk's office. Blood tests are not required; however, at least one ID, which includes date of birth for each party, must be presented at the time license is applied for. Also, if either applicant has previously been married, he/she must state how that marriage ended, i.e. death or divorce, and provide the date on which it occurred. The license must be obtained at least one day prior to being used, and is void 60 days after the effective date. A license obtained in Piatt County is not valid in any other county.
According to laws of the State of Illinois, blood relatives, down to and including first cousins, may not marry. However, first cousins 50 years of age or older may marry in this State.
In order to marry within the State of Illinois without parental consent, a person must be at least 18 years of age and provide proof of such when applying for license. If an applicant is 16 or 17 years of age, BOTH parents or guardians must sign a parental consent form in the County Clerk's office at the time the license is applied for. In the case of only one parent having custody, proof of such is required. If it is not possible for a parent or guardian to sign in this office, they may do so in the office of the County Clerk in the county in which they reside.
The license must be returned to the County Clerk's office within 10 days after the date of marriage.
PHOTO COPIES - $.50 per page (8½x11 & 8½x14) $1.00 per page (11x17)
Includes copies of all records on file in the County Clerk’s office, other than those fees listed above and documents recorded in real estate records.
REQUEST FOR RECORDSIf requesting by mail, submit requests along with applicable fee (check or money order) to:
Jennifer Harper
Piatt County Clerk
PO Box 558
Monticello, IL 61856.